Bruce Fein works for LTTE in the United States

Bruce Fein, the LTTE and false propaganda of terrorists

On February 11, Monday 2008

Dear Mr. Bruce Fein,

There are plenty of reports from media sources stating that you have decided to represent the front organizations for the Tamil Terrorists in the United States and feed their false propaganda to the media. I have had the disgusting experience of reading one such propaganda paper with horror and disbelief. The lies in that article were so numerous that as a Sri Lankan-American, I don’t even know where to begin.

Are you aware that Tamil Terrorists are committing ethnic cleansing of non-Tamils in the North and East of Sri Lanka? Since you need to make a living and has already accepted money from these Tamil Terrorists, maybe you prefer to ignore the facts on the ground. If that’s the case, it is bad news for the civilized world.

Did you know that they attempted to bribe U.S. State Department officials and continue to mass murder civilians by suicide bombings?

Do you have children Mr. Bruce Fein? The Tamils are famous for recruiting children as soldiers for their terror war against a democracy!

To further your education, how about reading FBI's report: TAMING THE TAMIL TIGERS, From Here in the U.S.

Are you aware that these Tamils are involved in the following:

  • Using innocent civilians as human shields at hospitals
  • Fund-raising in the west for terror activities (Jane's Defense Intelligence Review, 2007 & 2008)
  • Setting up bogus (including Tsunami) charities to evade taxes to fund terror
  • Human trafficking and bogus refugee scams
  • Arms purchase and arms trafficking
  • Export and trade of terror technology
  • Credit card fraud
  • Money laundering
  • Identification fraud
  • Counterfeit trade
  • Passport fraud
  • Assassination of political leaders
  • Systematic murder of moderate Tamils
  • Sea piracy
  • Extortion
  • Misleading the global media with false information (BBC, The Economist, Reporters Without Borders)
  • Misusing radio broadcasting services to fund terror under the guise of journalism (UK, Australia and Canada)
  • Using UNICEF/UN aid to fortify terror infrastructure in LTTE-controlled areas
  • Purchasing the support of officials in the governments of Canada, UK (British House of Commons) and Norway to 'legitimize' their criminal activities
  • Purchasing the support of officials in the United Nations (John Holmes, Alan Rock, Radhika Coomaraswamy) to work as proxies
  • Recruiting money and support hungry organizations such as Amnesty International to divert attention, destroy democracy and spread false propaganda

Since you are an educated man, we hope you will grow a conscience and assist the FBI in bringing these front organizations of terrorists to justice.

FACTS about ethnic cleansing by Tamil Terrorists:
Tamils live and work in peace in ALL parts of Sri Lanka. They own over half of the businesses, run political parties and publish newspapers freely in Sri Lanka. On the other hand, only a Tamil can live in the North or North-East of the island. All other ethnic groups live in fear of death or were systematically murdered by Tamil Terrorists. This is a classic example of ethnic cleansing combined with genocide driven by racism which is a core element of Tamil Terrorist ideology. This is what the Tamil Terrorists are buying with money and false propaganda.

Wick Gankanda
Los Angeles, California, USA

FBI, Washington, D.C.
Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Judge Michael Chertoff
US Secretary of Defense, Mr. Robert Gates

Crooked arguments by Bruce Fein and Associates in favor of Tamil Terrorists/LTTE prompts a response

On February 23, Saturday 2008

Motive: money! Consider this:

Many countries, including the UK, US and Canada are guilty of wide-spread human rights violations. Just look at Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and secret global rendition programs. Plenty of innocent civilians tortured and killed in never ending wars. But what you don’t see is so called human rights groups, lawyers and reporters viciously attacking these powerful nations. What you also don’t see is Bruce Fein and assoc staff going after them. What you have are these front organizations of Tamil Terrorists paying human rights groups and attorneys to lobby for them. That is why a law firm that did not ever give even a passing glance to the civilian death toll in Sri Lanka is suddenly making a big deal and spreading false LTTE propaganda. Amazing what terror dollars can buy these days.

It is not uncommon for global terrorists to buy politicians and lawyers in the west. Allow us to provide a brief list:
LTTE and agents are the masters of fraud and world-class crime. They are able to successfully kill moderate Tamils, reporters and aid workers and place the blame on the Sri Lanka government. Misleading the global media, politicians and lawyers is just a day’s work for the Tamil Terrorists. They have done this well for the last 25 years. The entire Sri Lankan community knows this. Except the politicians of UK, Canada, Australia and Norway, and a law firm called Lichfield Group/Fein & Fein, LLC! Therefore if you are smart, you will refuse foreign reporters and NGOs into a war zone called Jaffna. Look at BBC, a showcase for the Tamil Terrorists/LTTE. Why would you ever trust these foreign reporters? Let’s look at another example: in the last few weeks, Tamil Terrorists have killed many civilians in Sri Lanka. Not one word in the many of the foreign media outlets hiring these foreign reporters.

Some NGOs are proxies for the front organizations for the LTTE. Look at Amnesty International and its actions. When the Tamil Terrorists say jump, AI jumps: recently, the Tamil Terrorists kill scores of innocent civilians and Amnesty International is dead silent. Not one word about many lives lost to LTTE bombs. When the Tamil Terrorists want to hurt Sri Lanka’s reputation, the Amnesty International is there to help. Why would you ever trust these NGOs?

So are the politicians in Britain who depend on money and votes from LTTE elements in the UK. Several British politicians were identified working for the Terrorists: Keith Vaz, Virendra Sharma, Simon Hughes, Joan Ryan, Kim Howell, Britain's envoy in Sri Lanka Dominic Chilcott and London Mayor Ken Livingstone. Their support is critical for LTTE terrorists who use UK as a solid base for raising funds and terrorizing democratic states. Have you ever noticed the long history of British MP's involvement in global terror? Here are a few links on the Web...

Google for "British MP LTTE" and "British MP Tamil Terrorist"

Having read the above, wouldn’t it make more sense to send reporters and NGOs to monitor human rights in UK rather than Sri Lanka? Wouldn’t it be more productive for the US to impose sanctions on Britain for promoting global terror? And shouldn’t Bruce Fein and assoc go after UK for gross human rights violations and violation of international law that prohibits nations from funding terror against others?

Dear Bruce, do you know who the former Canadian Liberal Party minister Alan Rock is? Here are a few facts about Alan Rock, the government he worked for in Canada and his support for terrorists:

  • When Allan Rock served as Minister of Justice, he was soft on the LTTE in Canada and its leaders who were involved in many illegal activities including drugs, smuggling and "gangsterism". As a member of the Liberal Government of Canada since 1994, a government known to be favorable to the LTTE, he was sympathetic towards the Tiger terrorists in exchange for their political support. Allan Rock even ignored the recommendation of the CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) to ban it. There is much evidence to show that these illegal activities of the LTTE and its front organizations continue today in Canada.
  • His government (in Canada) gave off millions of dollars to pro-LTTE organizations and among them was the Tamil Eelam Society. Several efforts made by concerned Tamil Canadians hardly made any impact on the government. In fact, the former Prime Minister Paul Martin, while he was his fellow Finance Minister in the Jean Chretien cabinet participated in a dinner as the Guest of Honour organized by a Canadian LTTE federation, Federation of Associations of Canadian Tamils (FACT) (Gomery Commission's report:
  • This created quite a outburst among the Tamils opposed to the LTTE that damage control was done by stating that Mr. Martin was not aware that it was an LTTE organization and that he was misled. Never mind the truth; this is damage control at its best (aka misleading the public)!
  • This brings us to the topic of enforcing Canadian law in Canada: it is an offence for persons in Canada or Canadians outside of Canada to provide funds to the Tamil Tigers, as well as fundraising on its behalf. How can we enforce Canadian law on Allan Rock?

Link: United Nations diplomat involved in Waterloo Suresh’s pro-terrorist student body

We see this former Justice Minister of Canada doing injustice to the whole world by supporting terror! Wouldn’t it make more sense to send reporters and NGOs to monitor human rights in Canada rather than Sri Lanka? Wouldn’t it be more productive for the US to impose sanctions on Canada for promoting global terror? Shouldn’t Bruce Fein and assoc go after the government of Canada? There is nothing wrong with trying to fix our neighbor to the north before we go around the world!

I read the most hilarious article by Bruce Fein on Tamil statehood on January 29, 2008 published by the Washington Times. It was lying/misinformation at its best! So much bogus LTTE propaganda that I felt sorry for attorney Bruce and the Washington Times that published it! Next, will Bruce Fein and assoc represent Al Qaeda and Taliban to legitimize their terror in the US? What will stop them since they now work for the most ruthless and racist terror group in the world, the Tamil Terrorists/LTTE?

Link at Embassy of Sri Lanka - Washington DC: Write large for terror by Bruce Fein [PDF]

